
Creating your own advent calendar

Curating your own advent calendar might have more upsides than downsides. This is my first one, but I might do it again!

Should you grief when your abuser dies?

Grieving someone is a privilege. You are the one alive and they are dead. You will obviously grief the loss of a person dear to your heart, but what happens when your relationship with the now deceased was ‘complicated’?

Fuzzy May

A quick monthly recap with just a quick reminder. Because my brain is still foggy!

Let go or be dragged

A while back I came across this old Buddhist quote. It just reappeared in my vault and suddenly had so much meaning.

Was November a disaster?

Following the horrible news received toward the end of an already too intense month of October, I had anticipated November to be a disaster. Was it?

Staying warm with an Egloo!

With the price of energy soaring, with the uncertainty about this winter and how we will be able to stay warm, I finally bought an Egloo!

Transform your Money Mindset with this book!

Explore your limiting believes, crush the negative voice in your head, understand your worth… Yes, it’s possible and this book may be just what you need to reach the financial freedom you are seeking

August went by so fast

And just like that, summer is over. A part of me is glad and a part of me is sad.


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