Cocooning season is officially on! And one of my latest creation…

Cocooning season is officially on!

I totally love winter travels. Prague or Stockholm covered in a snow blanket are magical destinations. Right now Christmas markets are everywhere and they are magical too. They add a little spark to any city, one that takes you back to childhood, when simple things like a Christmas tree was still mesmerizing.

Yet, when winter comes, I totally embrace the cocooning vibe! I master the cocooning vibe!!

A full pot of tea with a pinch of ginger, chocolat cookies, a comfy blanket and I’m disappearing for the whole season.

But to me, cocooning doesn’t mean binge watching Netflix all day. On the contrary, it’s actually a very productive time of the year that I cherish. Not feeling like I need to get out to freeze my every parts, the time I spend at home is usually very productive. Right now, my head is bubbling with ideas and creative projects I want to do. It’s almost like winter isn’t going to be long enough if the list keeps growing. Just kidding: Dear Winter, don’t overstay your welcome. Thank you!

For example, one thing I wanted to do but have been putting it off, was to create a little video for my other blog. I know you know it by now, because I talk a lot about it, since I create a bunch of thing for it but just in case, here it is again: You are welcome!!

So I finally did it and here it is!



I know it’s not breath taking (the next one might be!!…) but I wanted it to be mostly informative so I think the format is right.

I used Photoshop to create it and since I’m still not mastering it, especially the video part, it kind of took me ages!! Especially the little cars at the end. But I like them so it was worth it. I think I’ll reuse them often… And creating this was a very educational so it was all worth the time and tea… and cookies!

Hope you like it.


How do you spend your winter time? Any cocooning advise to share? Let me know in the comment below





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