A Lap desk to help improve your posture

If you are working on your laptop a lot, a lap desk might be just what you need.

Disclaimer: this post contains Amazon affiliated links. If you decide to make a purchase, I might get a commission at no extra cost to you.

My previous set up

I will not share a photo, but I realised how bad my working position has been when my osteopath asked me to send her a picture of my desk, so she can see my set up and advise on improvements. I pictured myself and was ashamed!

I’ve been mostly working from my sofa, with a pillow to support my neck and a pillow on my lap to support my laptop in a slightly higher position than if it was simply resting on my thighs.

Thinking about it, I knew 2 things. This had been really nice for my tummy. A very relaxed position which, compare to a sited position, has reduced bloating and tummy issues. This has also been really bad for my back, my neck and general posture!

So I went on the hunt for a lap desk. A compromise to improve things while still keeping my desk free for other tasks.

My lap desk criteria

I had seen lap desks’ pictures before and I knew that while there were lots of various design, none had ever sparked a real interest.

The sliding ones which look like a hospital table were a big no. The very slick / minimalist little tables seemed very unpractical, first and foremost because they weren’t adjustable. I also never really saw the point of the ones which are basically just a cushion with a wooden plank on top. Although now it seems that you can tilt some and they market the cushion as a nap cushion! It’s clever! The ones that have too many options like a lamp, several drawers, a book holder, a tablet holder, a phone holder… whao?! How long does it take to set up? If this is your only desk, then I understand.

So I simply had never bought one and was doing just fine with my cushion on my lap. But my back and neck seemed to disagree.

I therefore had to dig into this. I studied my working position and understood what my back and neck needed and what it meant for the lap desk.

To be comfortable and versatile, my lap desk had to have the following:

  • a top that you can tilt at several angles so you can chose what works best depending on your different working positions.
  • adjustable legs.

That’s it. Everything else seemed unnecessary. Of course I wanted it to be as eco friendly as possible.

A lap desk to improve your posture

The lap desk I chose

This is the laptop desk I went for at the end. There are different brands selling the same ones or looking very similar at least.

It has the main things I wanted which are the adjustable legs and table tilt. In addition, it’s not too expensive compared to some others.

The sellers say it’s eco friendly because it’s bamboo but bamboo items are not that great. At least, it’s not plastic.

The things I like about it

It’s simple and fairly light, easy to use and it does what it is supposed to do. Adjust the legs height and tilt position and that’s it. Once set up and I’m on my bed or sofa working, I can feel my back and neck are happier and straighter.

The surface is smooth and pleasant.

This lap desk feel sturdy enough and after a couple months of usage, I have no major issue to report!

I’m now also using it during video conferences, as I find the camera angle to be great!

Fold the leg and store when not in use. You do have to retract the legs to their shortest position to fold.

The things I’m not concerned about

I do not use the cup “holder”. If I jiggle, because I use it on my bed or sofa, the cup holder is a recipe for disaster! It really isn’t a holder anyway, just a recess.

The drawer is big enough to hold a post-it note, a small pen and my finger tape buddy. That’s about it.

The heat prevention slits? I have no opinion on these. I have never felt my MacBook Air heat up even when using a cushion.

Lap desk "fans" and smooth surface

The things I don’t like

The squeaking!! When I move it with my laptop on it, sometimes things are squeaking. It’s the metal thing that allows you to tilt the top against the wood. I’m trying now to shake it to identify the issue properly but there is no sound! darn!

I feel that it’s a right handed lap desk and I’m left handed girl leaving in a right handed world!

I’m going to be a bit unfair, but as I move around and change position, I’m annoyed that I have to adjust the legs and tilt position! Sometimes it takes me several attempt and I loose my inspiration in the process! 😉

My main concern, now that I have improved my posture when working, is my wrist position. I understand why some lap desks have a wrist cushion and sewing one is on my to do list.

In addition, since talking about wrists’ position, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to use my trackpad for an extended period of time with the safe baffle which holds my laptop in place. It feels uncomfortable. When writing and doing ‘normal stuff’, it’s fine but not for photo retouching or things like this.

Not sure I ever saw this being mentioned so maybe it’s just me.

Yes, I could get a mouse for that!


I’m not entirely sure I’m happy with such a purchase but my back and neck certainly are and that was the goal.

When you spend hours working in a bad position, there is likely no amount of stretching and exercise which can compensate the damages caused. It is best to find ways to have a proper working position, rather than having to deal with the consequences of a bad one later.

Having a lap top desk isn’t going to miraculously solve your back and neck issues, or mine for that matter, but it will certainly helps.

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